When you have a small living area, the main thing in design is to set priorities correctly. In this very small apartment in the center of Moscow, the kitchen has only several square meters, but the bathroom is quite spacious and even with a window. That was exactly the wish of the client, who almost never cooks at home and likes to soak in the bath. It is also worth undoing the designer’s courage in choosing the decor – there are a lot of bright spots and color contrasts in interiors: a pink sofa, a saturated blue wall, yellow curtains and many framed paintings and posters on the walls. Great design!
See more: Small rental apartment with playful mood in Moscow
Еще один одно воплощение яркости и “красоты”! Как говорят : ” вырви глаз”!
Изящный интерьер, интересная планировка, смело и честно, супер!
Я не представляю, как жить без цвета! Как хорошо, что такие дизайнеры есть, умеющие работать с цветом!