Masculine apartment of art collector in Moscow

This modern apartment in Moscow was created for a bachelor, so the design was supposed to be as strict and neutral in color as possible. But the interiors had to be laconic for one more reason – the owner is a collector of paintings by contemporary Russian artists, which were supposed to become the main accents and colorful spots throughout the house. On the other hand, the furniture and decor in the apartment, albeit not flashy and calm, but was also selected with great taste – to match the objects of art on the walls. Enjoy!

See also: Collector’s apartment in New York

About Author:
Anna Pufik is the founder and creative mind at blog. Anna specializes in interior design, together with her husband Sergiy they head the PH Studio design firm. She loves Scandinavian style and sophisticated timeless interiors. Follow Anna on Instagram.
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Comments: 5
  1. Оксана

    Красочные пятна от российских художников во главе с пятиконечной звездой – такой зашквар…..Впрочем как и вся квартира российского холостяка.

  2. ARTur

    Очень выразительная квартира , интересная живопись + отличная планировка

  3. Наталия

    Замечательная квартира не только для холостяка, пятиконечная звезда – отличная тема

    1. Оксана

      Каждому свое

  4. Лариса

    Отличная квартира, свежая, модная. И работы современных художников очень грамотно подобраны.

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