This wonderful mountain lodge in Sweden is built in traditional forms, but its design leans towards modern openness and comfort. Thus, the living room has high ceilings with second light, an open plan and huge windows almost the entire height of the walls. Because of this decision, the house looks amazing from the outside, especially in the evening, not to mention the amazing views of the snow-covered nature that its inhabitants enjoy from the inside. The interior decor is as simple as it is cozy in a Scandinavian way – nothing superfluous, just a sea of warmth and serenity. Beauty!
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Как же его протопить? Конвекторов и системы тёплых полов не вижу, радиаторы тоже отсутствуют, инфракрасное потолочное отопление тоже не наблюдаю. Только печь? Даже если она может работать в режиме трения надолго её не хватит…..